How to Add a Formula into LibreOffice Writer

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Add Custom CSS to the Scalia theme

Best to use the Simple Custom CSS plugin from here:

as recommended here:

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WordPress Categories Automatically Add to Menu

Use the “JC Submenu” plugin and in theme functions.php add this code:

//Enable compatibility with theme custom menu walkers

add_filter(‘jcs/enable_public_walker’, ‘jc_disable_public_walker’);

function jc_disable_public_walker($default){
return false;

From here

and follow this video:

To add a list of subcategories automatically under one of the primary menus:

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Mesh Cleaner 3ds max 2022
1. Export mesh as .3ds 2. Import to 3ds max 2022 3. Change to Editable Poly 3a. Turn on Xview>Overlapping Faces

then Xview>Open Edges

4. Use Mesh Cleaner Plugin as here:


5. Add Editable Poly or Collapse to Poly to see the results.

6. Weld all vertices at 0.01

77. Turn on Xview>Overlapping Faces then Xview>Open Edges

8. In Editable Poly turn to Edge Mode

9. Xview > Select results

then delete the overlapping faces

9. Delete green remaining overlapping faces and Create them agains

10. Xview>Open Edges weld the verticies together to fix (may have to convert to editable mesh first

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GTMetrix Eliminate render-blocking resources Error with Litespeed Cache

GTMetrix shows this error message:

So then turn on Load CSS Asynchronously from LiteSpeed Cache > Page Optimization > CSS Settings

More here

This actually creates more problems because when turned on it slows down this blog when using the Scalia theme:

When “Load CSS Asynchronously” is turned off the page is rated a B instead of a C. (This is the case with Voxco theme with Litespeed Cache without Cloudflare, with Cloudflare this combination the rating seems to stay the same. With the Scalia theme without Cloudflare similar negative effect of altering Litespeed in this way but ustilizing Cloudflare as well it goes from a B to an A). Cloudflare itself has no influence except for minification. See here

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Migrating WordPress Manually

Follow this to manually move the database and files from one host to another for a WordPress installation:

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Vray Reinhard Colour mapping

By default V-ray Reinhard Colour Mapping is set like this:

When set above the total render time was 10min08sec on i7-4900MQ 4 core CPU laptop the rest following Solidrocks Good settings using irradiance map and light cache.

With the Clamp output ticked and set to 1.0 then the render time was reduced to just 4minutes 58 seconds. The image looks identical.

With Burn Value set to 0.75 then the rendering time reduces to 4 minutes 20seconds.

But brighter parts of the image are duller with the Burn Value put to 0.75:

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Add Hold Frame & German Characters: Premiere Pro

In this video we go through adding a frame hold in Adobe Premiere Pro then alter some text adding German symbols. language of the keyboard through Windows 10

Adding a frame hold at the beginning of a sequence then adding some German Characters having switched the language of the keyboard through Windows 10.

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3ds max Set Keys Button is Greyed out

If this button is greyed out so you can’t set keyframes when an object is selected….

then save your file and gradually go through deleting all objects in the scene until it goes back to normal.

When you have worked out which object being present has caused this then note this down and revert back to your saved file and just delete the one offending object that was causing this problem and continue working. read more

3D Visualisation of Spa Data by The Mill

3d visualisations

The Mill united with Lush to make a 2-minute film made through biometric information perception – the point being to imagine the physical reaction somebody has to a Lush spa treatment. Basically, transforming biometric information into beautiful graphical animation.

Behind the Scenes: Lush Spa Film from The Mill on Vimeo.

The Lush Spa Experiment was intended to catch biometric information. This information drove a progression of one of a kind and thoughtful representations, which reflect the multisensory encounters of a Lush Spa treatment. The film is a masterful 3D visualisation version of the body’s reaction to the spa treatment.

Exhibited without precedent for its whole length at the current year’s Creative Showcase, the elite analysis transports watchers inside a spa treatment. The visuals hope to feature that it isn’t just barely in touch that idealism can be acknowledged, yet in addition to smell and sonically, through the arrangement of music. The film speaks to that completely immersive experience.

Rich lead imaginative Tom Griffiths clarifies: “How can one envision not to mention convey such an individual and inward multi-tactile experience of our spa? This was the test. To do equity to the enormous aptitude, improvement and tender loving care our medicines attempt. Accordingly, we made a film that sets the crude information free, giving a visual portrayal of the bodies normal reaction to Lush Spa.”

The group occupied with a long R&D procedure to catch live tangible information from a Lush treatment. Measuring the effect on the psyche and body, particular changes in heart rate, mind action, muscle development, feeling of touch and relaxing.

The group built a bespoke specialized approach which gathers this biometric information and changes the accounts into CG portrayals of the multi-tactile experience. Each sort of estimation has a one of a kind arrangement of visuals to show the transformative idea of a Lush treatment.

Creative Director Carl Addy remarks, ‘The 3D visualisation information caught was intriguing. It demonstrates an unmistakable connection between the treatment and the subject’s biometric reaction. You can really observe the minutes when a sound or touch inspired a move in cerebrum wave which at that point triggers a response in breath and heart rate.’ read more

Vray Advc Render Times Different Backgrounds Vray Learning PDF

Click here for this information as a Vray Learning PDF.

This is a comparison of a simple 3ds max scene that has different background setups. All the way through Vray Advanced 3.4 GI was set to Brute Force, Brute Force at the same low-quality setting. It was lit by a Vray Dome Light with HDRI in the texture slot and one Vray plane light which is the square that can be seen in the reflections.

No MeshBackground (just the HDRI dome light is showing in the background): Low-quality Brute Force/ Brute Force render time is 37sec @ 1280 720

Photography Background (cylinder encompassing the whole scene with open top meshsmoothed so that there is an even transition from vertical to horizontal. Vray settings Low Brute Force / Brute Force  1280 720. Vray Properties of the Photography Background object have set to GI off. This gives a render time of 6min 15 sec.

Background White Plane with Radial Opacity render time is 3min.


Background White Plane with Radial Opacity turn off: Visible to GI, Visible in reflections, Visible in Refractions for the plane in Vray properties. This gives a render time of 2min 15s


Background White Plane with Radial Opacity. Turn off Visible to GI, Visible in reflections, Visible in Refractions and Generate and Receive GI 1min 40s

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