Character Artist to create Animated Presentation of Business Concept

This animated presentational video was played to judges at the Digital Entrepreneur Awards resulting in a win for the Encryption Box company in the E-Services category. Our CGI animators went to town with effectively fitting the message of a voice over with eye-catching visuals including 3D character animation with props.

At 3D Imaging we have a long track record of production renderings where we create animated presentation material showing business concepts and 3D product visuals.      Graphics and Visualization has been our mainstay since the the company’s inception in 1999 of which this 3D animated media video is a prime example.



The 3D character animation is used a descriptive way to back up the voice-over  as it goes through the benefits of this secure online sharing and communication system.animated-presentation

The 3D characters mime out actions to show despair at having been hacked and lost data to a competitor, simple effective character animation of them using the system elation when having found a solution to a security problem.cgi-filming

The soft look and simple characters of the graphics rendering gave a consistent generic look all the way through that could appeal to all creed, colour and age. One of the many advantages of CGI filming over traditional corporate video production services.animated-media

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