Character Artist to create Animated Presentation of Business Concept

This animated presentational video was played to judges at the Digital Entrepreneur Awards resulting in a win for the Encryption Box company in the E-Services category. Our CGI animators went to town with effectively fitting the message of a voice over with eye-catching visuals including 3D character animation with props.



At 3D Imaging we have a long track record of production renderings where we create animated presentation material showing business concepts and 3D product visuals.      Graphics and Visualization has been our mainstay since the the company’s inception in 1999 of which this 3D animated media video is a prime example.

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Royal Shakespeare Company to Use 3D Motion Captured Holographic Avatars in The Tempest

They have employed the talents of Andy Serkis’s motion capture company to recreate the character of Ariel into a virtual 3-dimensional presence on stage. This won’t be a pre-recorded insert to the live production. The apparition will be driven in real-time by a motion captured individual behind the scenes: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/theatre/what-to-see/such-stuff-as-dreams-are-made-on-ariel-to-appear-as-3d-digital-a/

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Poignant Spanish Lottery CG Animation

A lovingly created CGI based advert for the Spanish National Lottery [wpdevart_youtube]3OIhUnw555s[/wpdevart_youtube]

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Millenium Falcon in Force Awakens Made From Original 5 foot Miniature

The most iconic space ship that returned in the latest of the Star Wars series has its roots firmly based on the original trilogy’s miniature model which was  filmed against blue-screens at the time. Now a digital model it took a team of 6 skilled digital artisans a year to fully recreate the shape and the surface colour detail. Their recreation was referenced from the most detailed 5 foot long model from the archive.


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BB-8 Force Awakens in-camera and CGI

The new droid from the Star Wars Force Awakens is sometimes a remote controlled animatronic that is captured in-camera but in the sequences in space or where there is more extreme movement required his CGI stunt double is brought in. As the CGI animation is now up to a sufficient standard the effects creators see both versions as indistinguishable.


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