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3D Rendered Flowers – Animated CGI Lily – 3ds max Flower

3D Rendered Flowers – Animated CGI Lily – 3ds max Flower

3D Business Presentation

3D Business Design Animations Click this link to seeMultimedia sales presentation designed to sell investment in a company.(20 minutes with voice over).Featuring growing custom animated Lily plant representing contributors to business success

We at 3D Imaging are highly skilled at producing organic 3D models as well as flowers we can act just as well modelling 3D trees for you producing bespoke maya tree models to meet your exact production requirements or even producing Computer Generated dragonflys 3d pictures – whatever natural subject you have in mind. We have a great variety of 3D pictures online. Check the rest of our 3D gallery 3 d images where you will find amongst the quality 3dsmax 6 gallery that resides there a 3D graphics Scenery Gallery showing various 3d online pictures with buildings in place in amongst green lush and varied 3D Graphics trees & vegetation.

High Value 3D Art Prints are have been made from these CG flower models made by Geoff Hodbod of 3D Imaging and further manipulated by Mathew Andrews who is selling them in London outlets. They have been made into Framed Lenticuar Art Prints which change as you walk past them as you move through a different angle of vision and are retailing for £1500 per pair.

Lily Virtual CG
3D modelling flowers
Virtual Flower Models
3D Art Prints

Our CGI Image Gallery shows them off well. CGI graphic Images from this series have been featured in a specialist 3d graphics magazine and also in the glossy lifestyle and homes magazine “Livingetc”. 3D Graphics Magazine

3D Design Magazine