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Logo Design Portfolio – CGI – 3D Animation Logo Prices

Congratulations you’ve found the top UK Logo Design Portfolio in the UK produced by “3D Imaging” it is a 3D animation logo portfolio produced by our many CGI animators. Please ring for our 3D animation logo prices. UK 3 dimensional pictures,Ā Virtual Effects and animated graphics are our core businesses.

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The animation 3D video background clip on this page was produced for a US Radio Stationā€™s promotional DVD 3D animation. How to make use of computer animation in advertising to produce a logo with the character was utmost priority of the commissioning illustrators agents. UK Blue-RayĀ London distribution to the US and putting it onto their website in a flash video format for easy download. Ads TV promotional slots between commercial television broadcasts featured these flash 3D animation images. High resolution of picture detail in HD virtual imagery of our logo production is a sign of their up to date quality.

High resolution of picture detail in HD virtual imagery of our logo production is a sign of their up to date quality.