
3ds max error >>> @!&*# <<<25

Solution: I had renamed 3dsmax.exe to 3dsmax.exeold . When I renamed it back again this error message stopped showing. Also…

Deadly Beasts by Weave VFX

Channel 5’s World’s Deadliest Beasts has been furnished with four prehistoric beasts including a giant shark terrror bird “Titanis”. Massive Whale.

3D Character Artist produces Health and Safety Animation Service

Here at 3D Imaging we helped Volker Rail to create training imagery and animated videos showing the lifting of heavy…

3D Imagery of Oil Tanks

3D Imaging was commissioned to produce imagery of oil tanks by a manufacturer for their website so they would have…

Adapter Returned Unexpected Error -2 for “C:\Program Files\….”3ds max adapter error : The pipe has ended

If Backburner Server is producing this error then check the Backburner Server and Manager are the same versions.

Showing Displacement in Vray RT ActiveShade in 3ds max

To get the Vray RT Activeshade renderer to display displacement maps you’ve assigned to objects with the Vray displacement modifier make sure the…

Backburner Error 0x0000273f

If you’re getting error 0x0000273f on one of your Backburner servers try this Microsoft Fixit on that particular system’s Windows…

CGI Animation Process in Blizzard Animated CGI Short

 CGI Animation Process uses Houdini FX The Last Bastion is the latest animated CGI short from the Blizzard, game developer. For the…

CGI Studios Produce DropZone CGI Rendering

Breakdown videos of one of the largest CGI studios’ CGI Rendering intro for the new DropZone game by Gameforge for…

Merida 3D Character Design in Brave

[wpdevart_youtube]Cecx5HVtUDY[/wpdevart_youtube] The Merida character is a very complex setup. One of the most devious things to achieve in CGI is…