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Automotive Visualisation Service | Vehicle 3D Visuals UK

Automotive Visualisation

A client required our automotive visualisation service for a magazine advert. In fact a computer games magazine across a double A4 page.

Automotive Visualisation Service

We rendered this Classic 3D Cars Visual at A3 size. So making it measure 5000 pixels or dots across. Also signage on the cars were from client’s designs. Additionally we produce decals to add to the cars. Next the customer asked for tinted windows instead of figures driving the cars.

Please click the image below for more automotive visualization. This time car render images of a hill climb: Car rendered images

An agency were questioning. What are the selling points? It is for automotive visualization. Other methods are 2D painting in Photoshop. Also, there is manipulation of photos. The main ones are:

  • Speed of production
  • The right perspective from a view
  • The Ease of adjustments of all kinds. e.g. Lighting, Point of view, Shapes of vehicles

3D rendering will replace old ways of making visuals too. Virtual reality rides use the same basis. Three dimensional content can be cars or super hero or the Matrix. Find out more about automotive visualization by clicking here.

True to life Backgrounds sell

One the most fast moving fields is the the 3D Visualisation of data. We take in CAD data and use it to make natural looking visuals. Using any environment with the use of custom HDRI photography. So automotive visualisation work is so much richer due to this. Also its a low cost way of comparing diverse design proposals.

Automotive OEMs and suppliers face constant pressure. They must make pleasing, new vehicles to beat rivals. So they need to sift through many design details. This is to make a car that is both high-quality and appealing. Then, they take the chosen design through reviews. After that, they check if it’s easy to produce and plan for manufacturing. This process ensures a beautiful, top-notch vehicle.